Category Archives for News

EDF became an AUB- gold certified

EDF became an AUB- gold certified

We are pleased to announce that Entrepreneurial Development Foundation has become an AUB- gold certified @ghiaub NGO following a one year organizational development journey supported by @asfarifoundation


تم توقيع مشروع ال (Phoenix) ضمن مشروع LIFE المموّل من الوكالة الأميركية للتنمية الدولية USAID و المنفذ من قبل Palladium و تنظمها مؤسسة تنمية الرواد، لتدريب ١٥٠ شخص من أصحاب المهن الصغيرة في البقاع الشمالي
“Darb El Najah” Initiative Supports Microbusiness In The Beqaa With USAID Support

“Darb El Najah” Initiative Supports Microbusiness In The Beqaa With USAID Support

Fact of the Week: 400 microbusinesses from Zahleh and the Beqaa are currently receiving in-kind grant assistance and/or trainings under the “Darb el Najah” Hub initiative funded by USAID – US Agency for International Development under the The…