Back on the map project launched under the Livelihoods and Inclusive Finance Expansion (LIFE) Funded by USAID and implemented by EDF (Entrepreneurial Development Foundation).
Through this project, our principle objective was to support entrepreneurs evolve into business leaders and improve economic opportunities of marginalized low-income microenterprises especially those lead by women.
As this objective and during the four cycles of the project, EDF was able to implement training workshops in 12 different places for 12 different groups of beneficiaries, with a total number of 360 beneficiaries out of a total of 300 with 20 % over target and we still have pending interested trainees in the South and in the Bekaa.
EDF distributed 115 in-kind grants to MSMEs for $128,975.
The Participation of women was impressive, 56% in Bekaa and 50% in south. Participants were totally committed to the training and showed enthusiasm while participating in the training sessions and activities. Many groups are still pending in the south and the Bekaa.